House Passed HR 82 with an Historic 327 votes in Favor – Please Bring Companion Bill S. 597 to the Senate Floor for a Vote as soon as possible
Dear Senate Majority Leader Schumer,
Thank you for cosponsoring S. 597, Social Security Fairness Act, which eliminates the unfair reductions in Social Security pensions and Social Security spousal and survivor benefits imposed by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).
As you know, HR 82, the companion bill to S. 597, passed the House on 12 November with an historic 327 votes in favor.
Now is the time for the Senate to act and I ask that you honor your commitment to Social Security fairness and bring S. 597 to a floor vote as soon as possible.
WHY THE WEP IS UNJUST. The WEP reduces the Social Security pension of a retiree simply because that retiree earned a non-Social Security pension even though he/she was lawfully exempt from paying into Social Security while earning his/her non-Social Security pension.
WHY THE GPO IS UNJUST. The WEP’s equally unjust counterpart, the GPO, reduces the Social Security spousal benefit and survivor benefit of a spouse simply because that spouse earned a non-Social Security pension even though he/she was lawfully exempt from paying into Social Security while earning his/her non-Social Security pension.
This is an issue of fairness and S. 597 will end these unjust absurdities, which hardworking Americans have had to endure for the past 40 years. As you also know, a key factor in maintaining the solvency and extending the life of the Social Security program is the entirety of payments that were unfairly withheld by the WEP and GPO during the past 40 years. This fact invalidates the assertion that S. 597 needs a “pay-for”.
I respectfully request that you honor your commitment to Social Security fairness and bring S. 597 to the Senate floor as soon as possible.
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