Dear Vice President Harris,
I respectfully request you to urge Congress to repeal two longstanding penalties of the Social Security Amendments of 1983 that unfairly reduce the pensions and benefits of 2.5 million American retirees, and will affect many more who are nearing retirement.
The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduces the Social Security pension of retirees who lawfully earned a second, non-Social Security pension. This unjust penalty adversely affects legal immigrants and public service workers such as teachers, firefighters, and police officers.
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) often unfairly reduces, and in some cases eliminates, the spousal and survivor benefits of individuals who lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension, such as teachers, firefighters, and police officers.
H.R. 82, Social Security Fairness Act of 2023, has XXX cosponsors and its companion bill in the Senate, S. 597, Social Security Fairness Act, has YYY cosponsors. Both bills permanently repeal the WEP and GPO, and President Biden pledged to eliminate these penalties.
Please urge House Speaker Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Schumer to pass both bills so that a final bill can be submitted for President Biden’s signature and enactment.
As the unfair WEP and GPO reductions cause many recipients to fall into low-income and poverty status, your help in eliminating these penalties during the 118th Congress will provide American retirees with much-needed and long overdue economic relief.
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